Wednesday, April 22, 2015

At One O'Clock In The Morning - by Charles Baudelaire and Me

 PLEASE VISIT MY NEW BLOG: Life on: [ The Seventh Cloud ] 
I won't post new things in this blog, just on the new one.


  1. I love your blog! its so empowering and beautiful and I love it so so much, keep blogging
    ~basicallychloe xx
    Don't forget to smile! :) ~ x x

  2. Wow, I've never read Baudelaire, but I'll definitely check him out now. That was beautiful. Personally, I like to spend a lot of time by myself because I'm an introvert, and I find more enjoyment in solitary activities like drawing and reading. The best time for me is also night time; I don't know what it is, but it's when I usually have the most energy, and I seem to get the most inspiration from working at night. Great post!

    1. It happens. I usually find inspiration or new ideas at night. I do like to be with close friends but when they don't push me to go out and do something, I just don't. Thank you for the comment and for the follow!


Thanks for your comment on -The Seventh Cloud-,now its time to go back down.