I am a couple of months away (approximately) to graduate and have a degree, but getting this title, unlike high school diploma, is very different.
The high school graduation and college are two totally different things (some will say to me obviously!) But I met many friends who did not think the same way. Many saw University graduation as another goal to achieve and they got thru this process and spent 4-5 years as if it were something we do every day. I, on the other hand suffered and almost raise my hands and forgot about it. I see this stage of my life as a train station, you have many roads and you are alone and ready (supposedly) to take the train that is most convenient for you.
My goals have changed as time went by, and I often despair by listening to other people talking about their dreams, not even that, points which they had to meet to feel that their lifes was complete and satisfactory, and what were they?: Graduate, get jobs, marry, have children ... and die. I must admit that at first gave some friends a lecture on "the world is big and you have to discover it out" or "Do not settle for what you already have" etc, etc, etc. But in the end, everyone is or wants to be happy with what they know or want to know.
After school is: "And now I have to go to University!", we leave University: "And now .... WTF should i do?"
Estoy a un par de meses (aproximadamente) de graduarme y ser una “Licenciada”, pero conseguir este título, a diferencia del diploma de bachillerato, se siente muy diferente.
El graduarse del colegio y la universidad son dos cosas totalmente diferentes,(algunos me dirán: obvio!) pero conocí a muchos compañeros que no pensaban de la misma manera. Muchos veían el graduarse de la Universidad como un objetivo más que conseguir y pasaban este proceso de 4 a 5 años como si fuera algo de todos los días. Yo, por otra parte sufrí, renegué y casi levante las manos. Veo esta etapa de mi vida como una estación de trenes es decir, tienes muchos caminos y estás sola y lista (supuestamente) para tomar el tren que te conviene.
Mis objetivos han ido cambiando sucesivamente, y muchas veces me desespere escuchando a otras personas sobre sus sueños, ni siquiera eso, eran puntos que debían cumplir para sentir que su vida era completa y satisfactoria, cuáles eran?: graduarse, conseguir trabajo, casarse, tener hijos…y morir. Debo reconocer que en un principio di a algunas amigas una clase magistral sobre “el mundo es grande y hay que descubrirlo” o “No hay que conformarnos con lo que tenemos” etc,etc,etc. Pero al final, cada uno es o quiere ser feliz con lo que sabe o quiere saber.
Salir del colegio es: “Y ahora voy a la U!” y salir de la U es: “Y ahora….que c@#$jos hago?”