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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Libertad! libertad! libertad!

"Los periodistas y los medios apoyamos la lucha contra el racismo y la discriminación. Al ser intermediarios de la libre expresión, no aceptamos ni la cárcel para los periodistas ni el cierre de medios. Sin libertad de expresión no hay democracia" El Día, de Santa Cruz.

-Bien analizada, la libertad política es una fábula imaginada por los gobiernos para adormecer a sus gobernados.

Napoleón Bonaparte

-Correrán ríos de sangre antes de que conquistemos nuestra libertad, pero esa sangre deberá ser la nuestra.

Mahatma Gandhi

- La libertad se pierde cuando se empieza a temer

- Sé que sólo hay una libertad: la de pensamiento

-Como amo la libertad tengo sentimientos nobles y liberales; y si suelo ser severo, es solamente con aquellos que pretenden destruirnos.

-Si un hombre fuese necesario para sostener el Estado, ese Estado no debería existir; y al fin no existiría.

-Huid del país donde uno solo ejerce todos los poderes: es un país de esclavos.

-Más cuesta mantener el equilibrio de la libertad que soportar el peso de la tiranía.

-Los legisladores necesitan ciertamente una escuela de moral.

Simón Bolívar

Friday, October 1, 2010

My heart is beating fast:(Gustavo Cerati and Chi Cheng news)

Yesterday i enter the Gustavo Cerati website(, the family issued a new entry titled: "Thanks and denied the rumors".

As you may have heard, the rumor began again, "Gustavo Cerati dead." Apart from being a few minutes confused when I read that officially the family denied these rumors, I got angry. I can not believe that there are people, magazines, newspapers and journalists who can post a rumor like that.

It turns out that The Nation of Costa Rica, now apologize for the hasty news, but this newspaper has not issued a formal apology, the newspaper said: "The nation is still attached to its values of providing accurate and relevant information and works every day in it. However said it was "a hasty news, just an error because of the fight for the scoop."

A fight over the scoop? It disgust me, this kind of "scoops" for which many mass media fight for,trying to anticipate the fate that God has for Cerati, just to be the first one to publish this sad news (i hope it never happens) can you imagine?

In other news, with a bad "taste in my mouth" I left the previous news, and went to and I read the daily positive comments for Chi Cheng. One of them said: "Love you ♥ Chi Waiting For You, As Long As It Takes ♥." I got sad, for Gustavo and Chi. The two musicians who have made thousands of people happy with their music, with a family and many reasons to live,.... and today are in a similar situation for different reasons.

The two families handle this situation in two different ways, as far as i know, the family of Cerati has been more private about it, anyway Gustavo is still in a hospital bed with no progress whatsoever, which probably is causing discouragement in his family .

Right now, the Cheng family has resons to celebrate since he got home and is still making progress everyday, which is something that feeds my hope (if thats the right word for it) even more.
Don't lose hope, everything it's possible. :)

One for Chi!

Heres a link for , there are 2 new post about Chi:


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